Corn 玉米|Pablo Neruda

Here, I Love You

Pending for 2023 Abc Art Book Fair (Beijing)

The "Corn" series of poetry anthologies, named after its inception in 2021, is a collection that reverently pays homage to a single poet in each of its volumes. Just like the staple food, corn, the kernels of which are crushed, chewy, filling, and affordable, each line in these books is a kernel of pure poetic bliss. The team behind the "Corn" anthologies has gone through great lengths, tirelessly scouring the works of various poets, picking, peeling, and finally sifting through them to curate a truly wholesome selection for readers.

Every single page of these volumes is golden, shiny, and full, brimming with delightful verses that are sure to present the poet's concerns in three-dimensional clarity. Beyond just curating an exceptional anthology, the "Corn" team harbors a grander ambition of reintroducing poetry and physical books to all facets of life. They strive to bring poetry back to our pockets, making it accessible in every place we go, from waiting in line to commuting on the subway. The ultimate aim is for poetry to become a part of our daily routine and every moment of our lives, enabling communication to truly benefit from the medium it carries.

This particular volume of "Corn" showcases the timeless works of the renowned poet, Pablo Neruda, titled "Here is the Port, Here I Love You." The screening process was meticulously conducted by the young and talented duo of 19-year-old Shen Shuowen and 20-year-old Chi Yining. However, before you embark on this literary journey, the "Corn" team implores you to trust them and let the corn return to your hands, so you may savor and relish every morsel of poetic brilliance in this anthology.

                              Cover Art of “Here, I Love You”

“玉米”诞生于 2021 年,是一系列诗歌选集的总集名称,系列内的每本单册都致力于一位诗人作品的筛选。相信你一定吃过玉米,它由一个个碎粒构成,好吃,耐嚼,价格不贵,饱腹感又很强,因此深入每家每户。而这套诗集就如同玉米一样——每本里的每一句话都是一颗玉米粒儿;由我们通过大量阅读诗人的作品,一首首剥落、挑拣,最终筛出来,摆到你面前 / 是我们通过大量阅读诗人的作品,一首首剥落、挑拣,最终筛出来的每颗都饱满、金黄发亮、惹人喜爱。


本册为巴勃罗·聂鲁达诗歌选集《这里是港口,在此我爱你》,筛选者是 19 岁的申烁雯和 20 岁的池艺宁。

Shuowen Shen 申烁雯